This resource can help you talk about what matters to you and have a say in your health care. It can also be shared with others ahead of time.
Available in: Español
This guide discusses how to start talking with a child who is living with a serious illness about the health care that is right for them.
This guide helps you prepare how to talk about the care that is right for you or someone you care for.
This guide explains to a person what it means to be an advocate for someone you care about, as their proxy — and help them have a say in their health care.
This guide explains how to choose an advocate who could speak for you — and help you have a say in your health care.
The What Matters to Me workbook is designed to help people with a serious illness get ready to talk to their health care team (doctor, nurse, social worker, etc.) about what is most important to them
AARP’s information on conversations about end-of-life
National Suicide Preventation Center
Helping people share their wishes for care through the end of life. Rich site with lots of resources
Downladable PDF from The Conversation Project
National Institutes of Aging web page on Preparing for a Visit with the Doctor
National Institutes of Aging downloadable PDF on Preparing for a Visit with the Doctor