National Suicide Preventation Center
Available in: Español
AARP’s information on conversations about end-of-life
National Institutes of Aging web page on Preparing for a Visit with the Doctor
National Institutes of Aging downloadable PDF on Preparing for a Visit with the Doctor
Get civil rights assistance in languages such as Spanish, French, and more.
Extensive description of patient protections and rights under the ACA
Provides links to Medicare materials in many different languages
FairHealth Consumer allows you to compare prices on medical and dental services as well as health insurance in your area
Fair Health offers decision aids to help you think through your own priorities and values. Then, you and your doctor can talk through the options and your questions.
Fair Health offers a website to help you estimate your healthcare expenses.
A basic plan can help you make the most of your appointment with your doctor. National Institute on Aging offers guidance.
Asking questions is key to good communication with your doctor. National Institute on Aging offers guidance.