General healthcare-related site
Available in: Español
Hablando Co Su Hijo Sobre Su Enfermedad – Talking With Your Child About His or Her Illness in Spanish/English
Learn about the importance of hand washing.
The Dinner Party is building a worldwide community of 20- and 30-somethings who have each experienced the loss of a parent, partner, child, sibling, other close family member, or close friend.
OptionB.Org is a website dedicated to helping you build resilience in the face of adversity—and giving you the tools to help your family, friends, and community build resilience too. Here, you can read and share personal stories, join groups for solidarity and support, and find information from experts.
A website fostering a community and candid conversations about loss, “beginners welcome”
A book that has been described as “The Only Intelligent Book I Have Ever Found on Grief”. A thoughtful, forward looking description of the grief journey
A painful and hilarious graphic (meaning illustrated) account of Roz Chast’s journey with her parents through end of life
This fact sheet offers some suggestions for helping support a dying child’s family.
Cuando Su Hijo Tiene Dolor -When Your Child is in Pain in Spanish/English